How HR Life Positively Changed My Personal Life

HR Life - Positive Aspect

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I started writing this blog as a way to show that HR professionals are regular people. Behind the scenes, we are just as frustrated as others and care about way too many things-both the positive and negative.  Human Resource professionals have a difficult job – working with people, processes, rules, and regulations. We wear many hats!

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Wearing so many hats definitely takes a toll on life. My HR career has definitely changed my personal life in ways I never thought it would both positive and negative! This post will focus on the positive aspect.


The Positive-Making a difference!

Every position in every company makes a difference-otherwise, it wouldn’t be! In my HR career, I have helped others learn, grow, and understand how their roles fit into the big picture. I’ve advised employees to react the right way in situations that affect themselves and others. It is always a great feeling to help people learn many things!

  • how to manage their emotions;
  • manage others;
  • to get their employees and co-workers to buy-in and perhaps most importantly…
  • utilize the tools (however time-consuming) to create a future for themselves either at work or perhaps make the decision to move on

My Example

Early in my HR career, I was put in a location where the former HR professional did everything for everyone. Instead of managers writing up corrective/disciplinary actions for employees, they would just send an email to HR expecting one. In addition, management would bring every employee relations issue to HR to investigate-instead of being a part of the process. I was very worried about the managers here because I was there to guide them through such issues, not do everything for them.

After some rough conversations and several weeks of constant review and follow-up, management began to realize how important it was for them to take the first step in handling difficult situations first before involving HR. That their first conversation with HR was similar to…

“I have a situation I’d like to run by you and how I would like to proceed.”

-ideal manager conversation

This was a great win! I was proud of several things:

  • Being able to rally the managers into wanting to learn the employee relations process
  • Giving advice and follow-up rather than doing everything for them and they end up learning and doing nothing.
  • HR advice being accepted and utilized.

The management team learned they were personally and professionally better off for listening and learning. That they can take that knowledge anywhere. Knowledge is key to handling employees relations properly. Teamwork is a result as well! All positive aspects of being in HR.

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HR Wins

Those are HR WINS! Helping others to realize their potential and how learning processes and working through difficult situations help personal growth and career aspirations makes you proud to do what you do. In addition, it creates a happy mood that you take home with you and feel that you are making a difference.

Happy life, happy wife…Happy work, happy home perks! Rhyming is NOT my specialty 🙂

What are some positives in your job that make it all worth it?

All the best… *Judean*

*See how HR Life negatively changed my personal life and what was the outcome?*

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  1. HR Life sounds a lot like teaching! Seriously though, listening is really important in any occupation. Any time you work with other people, it’s important to be able to build a team–much more is accomplished when you’re all working towards the same goals.

  2. As a corporate worker bee, I can imagine how challenging your job would be esp. dealing with difficult situations in a workplace. I would say HR is our go to person if we have issues with our boss or with co-workers. We may not understand HR sometimes but I know you guys are doing your best to be the voice of reason.
    Thanks for sharing this…

    1. I have also worked with dictator ‘HR’ partners. Building relationships is key along with showing your worth – so don’t care about relationships and often go with ‘my way or the highway’ UGH!

  3. People in HR are strong! I know a few people who have worked in the field and they all loved it, but agreed it could be hard at times.

    I just started a position as a gate attendant at a campground. So my favorite part so far is being able to live in our RV which is just feet away from the gatehouse haha.

  4. Love those kinds of wins!!! With regard to what I love about my job? I absolutely love the idea that I am self-employed, doing what I love to do. I can imagine just how stressful HR would be.

  5. When I did HR, it was always a team effort. It can be a really hard job but also very rewarding.

  6. It’s awesome that you have such a positive impact on the people in your company! Helping people grow and figure things out for themselves are big steps. Love your insights and perspectives.

  7. HR places such an important role in the strength of a company. I have always felt that it is so important to deal with small challenges in a positive way, prior to them getting out of hand.

  8. Great post! I am a teacher, and yes we work in HR on a daily basis. Connecting, motivating, encouraging, building relationships – it’s all part of HR.

  9. I have a friend who works in HR, and although she can’t share details, I can’t believe some of the things you guys have to deal with! It’s always good to empower managers to know how to deal with unpleasant situations themselves with assistance from HR.

  10. I worked in management in healthcare and had always had great partners with our HR professionals especially around crucial conversations and disciplinary actions. You have a tough job being the voice and advocate for all. Thank you for all you do.

    1. Hi Judean! This article really puts things in to prospective. I am a state auditor where I live. I feel the same way about my job. There are enough days and days that are so rewarding!

  11. How wonderful you were able to help people take ownership in solving issues. I am a high school teacher, so I can definitely relate to the part about wearing many hats. We also have to try to teach kids how to manage emotions and conflicts, and it seems to be becoming a bigger issue the longer I teach. Thanks for what you do!

  12. Thanks for this information and this confirms for me that building a relationship with HR is very important. I enjoy working with my HR team. They are very friendly and helpful.

  13. I work in the medical field and when I get those patients that sincerely thank me and tell me how nice I am really reaffirms that I’m doing the right job for me!

  14. Having been in a corporate job, I can say first hand that it is HARD to lead through influence across departments. Kudos to you for helping your business partners become more independent and empowered, and thanking you for it!

  15. Sounds like you love your HR position! I think as long as we understand our why, our passion, and we do something that helps us achieve success in our why, we’ll be happy.

  16. Helping students and faculty members is what makes my job worth it! I really admire HR professionals, they have to shoulder so much and get a lot of flack since they’re often seen as “enforcers.” I really appreciate them a lot!

  17. As a manager, I can honestly say I really value our HR professionals! They have been very helpful in preparing to have some tough conversations and always give good counsel and have a valuable perspective.

  18. I have a ton of friends who are in HR and also sometimes struggle with figuring out what their jobs are. One of my really great friends works for my hubby’s company and has always felt overwhelmed with duties she doesn’t feel are part of her job. Thankfully, when the company was bought out a few years ago all the departments were overhauled and now she is doing what she should have been all along

  19. Well done you! Getting management to handle difficult employee situations can be challenging, but it sounds like you really helped the whole team feel heard!

  20. I used to be a people person but people ruined it for me (haha)! Nice to know HR people are people just like us!

  21. I am an attorney for a pharmaceutical company. What I do each day helps the company stay compliant and keeps our patients and customers safe.

  22. I have been out of the workforce for more than a decade but I can still remember specific people who made a simple, yet profound, impact on my day. Thanks for sharing!

  23. I had an awful HR experience after becoming a whistleblower, but I know that there are amazing HR personnel, too. It’s just hard sometimes because the bad can cast a shadow over the good.

    1. Understood…there are great ones and not so great ones and I find that sometimes it’s the C-level that sometimes instructs HR what they must do and hands are tied. That is when HR must move on.

  24. It’s sad how many places forget the importance of leadership skills. HR has to put up with a lot of things, but I believe that many of those issues could be eliminated if superiors and managers understood how to properly treat and guide people to grow!

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